We can solve this. Together

Let’s cooperate and accelerate sustainable innovation

The call for radical focus on 6 areas.


Managed Water.

Connected metering, throttling & shut-off, avoiding water waste, allowing correct pricing of water used and managing the quality of water used better. Not to forget Managing the flow of rivers and storing rainwater.

Sustainable Desalination.

Affordable desalination of brackish and sea water based on renewable energy.

Water Footprint based Agriculture.

Water footprint as part of pricing of food, accelerating the shift to vegetarian diets through food and irrigation innovation.

Decentral Production.

In water scarce areas develop self-sufficient sustainable water production.

Reduced & Cyclic Water Use.

Focus on the right amount of water used, reducing to the minimum without decreasing comfort to accelerate adoption. Focus on local recycling and reuse of water without quality loss.

Point of Use Drinking Water Supply.

Ban bottled drinking water, developing solutions to deliver water where people need it.

““The earth, the air, the land, and the water are not an inheritance from our forefathers but on loan from our children. So we have to handover to them at least as it was handed over to us.”

— Mahatma Ghandi

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